MTSU Department of Psychology
Behavioral Research (Interdisciplinary)
The interdisciplinary minor in Behavioral Research is designed for students who want more specialized instruction in research skills and data analysis. This interdisciplinary minor consists of 15 credit hours. Students select courses from the two categories of Statistics and Research Methods with the following provisions: (1) A student may take no more than 6 credit hours of courses (or 7 credit hours if one course has a lab or is a 4-credit course) from a single department until he or she surpasses the required minimum number of hours necessary for completing the minor; (2) A student is limited to just 3 hours of credit (or 4 credit hours if one course has a lab or is a 4-credit course) toward the minor in the same department or discipline in which he or she is taking a major; (3) Courses cannot be counted for both the major and minor; and (4) Students must fulfill all departmental prerequisites for any course within an interdisciplinary minor. A minimum of 6 psychology upper division hours must be taken at MTSU to satisfy this minor.
If you have any questions about this minor, contact Dr. Michelle Boyer-Pennington at 898-5451.
Basic Statistics (6 – 9 hours)
Course No. and Title | Credit Hours |
BIA 2610 – Statistical Methods1 | 3 |
BIA 3620/3621 – Introduction to Business Analytics & Lab2 3 | 4 |
MATH 1530 – Applied Statistics | 3 |
MATH 2050 – Probability and Statistics | 3 |
MATH 2110 – Data Analysis4 | 1 |
MATH 2530 – Applied Statistics II5 | 3 |
PSY 3020 – Basic Statistics for Behavioral Science6 | 3 |
PSY 4070 – Advanced Statistics7 | 3 |
PSY 4260 – Introduction to Psychological Testing | 3 |
SOC 3050 – Data Analysis | 3 |
STAT 4360 – Regression Analysis8 | 3 |
STAT 4380 – Experimental Design9 | 3 |
STAT 4370 – Nonparametic Statistics10 | 3 |
SW 3120 – Data Analysis for Social Work Practice11 | 3 |
Research Methods (3 – 7 hours)
Course No. and Title | Credit Hours |
JOUR 3660 – Strategic Communication Research12 | 3 |
JOUR 466 – Scientific Approaches to Medi13 | 3 |
MKT 3930 – Marketing Research 14 | 3 |
MKT 4880 – Applied Marketing Research 15 | 3 |
PHIL 4500 – Philosophy of Science | 3 |
PS 3001 – Research Methods in Political Science | 3 |
PSY 3070/3071 – Research Methods/Research Meth Lab16 | 3/1 |
PSY 4080 – Advanced Research Methods 17 | 3 |
SOC 3040 – Research Methods | 3 |
SW 2630 – Interviewing Skills for Social Work Practice | 3 |
SW 3110 – Research Methods for Social Work Practice18 | 3 |
Prerequisite Footnotes:
1BIA 2610 Statistical Methods [Prerequisite: MATH 1630 or MATH 1810]
2BIA 3620 Introduction to Business Analytics [Prerequisites: BIA 2610 or equivalent, junior standing. Corequisite: BIA 3621]
3BIA 3621 – Introduction to Business Analytics Lab [Prerequisite: BIA 2610 ; Corequisite: BIA 3620.]
4MATH 2110 Data Analysis [Prerequisite or corequisite: MATH 1530 or MATH 2050 or equivalent.]
5MATH 2530 Applied Statistics II [Prerequisite: MATH 1530 or MATH 2050 or equivalent]
6PSY 3020 Basic Statistics for Behavioral Science [Prerequisite: MATH 1530 or MATH 1710 or MATH 1730 or higher].
7PSY 4070 Advanced Statistics [Prerequisite: PSY 3020 with a grade of B- or better & PSY 3070/3071 with a grade of B- or better].
8STAT 4360 Regression Analysis [Prerequisite: MATH 2050 or equivalent.]
9STAT 4380 Experimental Design [Prerequisite: MATH 2050 or equivalent.]
10STAT 4370 Nonparametric Statistics [Prerequisite: MATH 2050 or equivalent.]
11SW 3120 Data Analysis for Social Work Practice [Prerequisite: SW 3110].
12JOUR 3660 – Strategic Communication Research [Prerequisite: JOUR 2710 (Media Writing), permission of instructor, or permission of the School of Journalism.]
13JOUR 4660 Scientific Approaches to Media [Prerequisite: Junior standing.]
14MKT 3930 Marketing Research [Prerequisites: MKT 3820 (Principles of Marketing) ; BIA 2610 or permission of instructor; junior standing and admission into the College of Business].
15MKT 4880 Applied Marketing Research [Prerequisites: MKT 3930 and admission into the College of Business].
16PSY 3070/3071-Research Methods in Psychology & Lab [Prerequisite: PSY 3020.]
17PSY 4080 Advanced Research Methods [Prerequisites: PSY 4070 with a grade of B- or better & PSY 3070/3071 with a grade of B- or better].
18SW 3110 Research Methods in Social Work Practice [Prerequisite of SW 2570 (Introduction to Social Work)].
Questions about this minor may be directed to Dr. Dana Fuller; 898-2213 or or Dr. Michelle Boyer-Pennington; 898-5451 or

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Department of Psychology
Academic Classroom Building (ACB)
Suite 240
Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:30PM,
Phone: (615) 898-2706